You would like to join/support the initiative?

Thank you very much for your willingness to contribute to the well-being of dogs. Please find here information for dog owners, professionals and journalists:


If you are a dog-owner, you can support us in the following ways:

  • Read high-quality, factual literature, inform yourself continuously, so that you can put this knowledge into practice with your dog. You’ll both profit from it. And it’s fun :-)
  • When choosing a dog school or trainer, check carefully that they fulfil the critieria of our code of conduct.
  • Spread the word about our website.
  • Don’t look away if you see someone violating the Animal Welfare Laws, or if they use aversive means on a dog. Often people don’t know any better and think they are doing the right thing. Please, therefore, always remain respectful and polite. Point them to this website and appeal to the person’s empathy and love for their dog. Many people easily feel criticised, so it is important to keep your explanation short and friendly. Don’t get involved in long discussions; just encourage them to look at this website.
  • Be courageous and speak up, should an ‘expert’ at a dog school use aversive techniques on a dog. Protect your dog from such treatment! Tell the trainer politely and respectfully that you do not want these training methods used on your dog, and why not. If the trainer does not comply, look for another trainer.


If you are a canine professional (e.g. dog trainer, behavour consultant, animal psychologist, veterinary surgeon, animal advocate or lawyer), these are some ways you can support our initiative:

  • Professional list: if you would like to sign our position paper, please send us an email with your full name, your postal code and town/city/country, qualifications, and professional designation. When you are accepted on to our list of supporting professionals, you are welcome to link our logo to your website.
  • Organisations: If you work for an organisation which would like to support our position paper, please send us an email. When you are registered on our list of supporting organisations, you are also welcome to link us to our website.
  • List of dog trainers: If you run an dog-school and agree to adhere to our code of conduct, you are eligible to be part of the trainer's list. Once you are on our list of dog schools, please do link our website to your homepage. You can fill out the formula on the contact site.
  • Spread the word about our website and the relevant knowledge.
  • Don’t turn a blind eye if someone violates the Animal Welfare Laws or uses aversive techniques on a dog, (even if it is another trainer or however well-known the ‘expert’ is). Often people don’t know any better and even think they are doing the right thing. Therefore, please remain respectful and friendly. Refer them to this website and appeal to the person’s empathy and love for their dog.


If you are engaged in journalism and are interested in the subject of force-free, non-aversive dog training:


On our media page, you will see that the Initiative for Force-free Dog Training has often been represented in the print media and on the radio (german page). There are also several informative articles to refer to. Contact us by email, and we shall be happy to provide you with information, or an interview, or to recommend to you competent professionals and organisations.

Our position paper documents our principle concerns. Here you can find some video proof. The support of numerous canine professionals and organisations speaks for itself.

Photo: Fabienne Källin